Some people have always had massive amounts of time. They lounge around drinking beer and playing foosball for hours on end every day... In life, these people most often fit into the unfortunate human category of "unachievers."
As internet marketers, we find ourself in a drastically contrasting "boat." we understand first-hand that "time is money." We are perpetually looking for various methods of saving time, and are constantly seeking to make more efficient use of the time we already spend.
We already know to importance of lists. Building up a list enables us to follow up with our websites' visitors, enables us to create a relationship with them, and allows us to instill trust. If you are an internet marketer who doesn't have a mailing list that's targeting the needs of your audience, then you should probably pull yourself from the rock you've been hiding under and get on the ball.
We also already know that to make money online, you need a well converting website that constantly generates both subscribers, and sales. We also know that every person who leaves your website without becoming a subscriber to your mailing list, is walking away with an untapped pocket full of money.
How can we fix this problem? Simple. By personalizing, and utilizing all the latest advanced methods into our squeeze page. The guy with the best methods of squeeze page creation gets the most subscribers. End of story.
Fortunately for those of us who are always looking for new methods of personalizing our squeeze pages, things just now got a whole lot easier. A new method for squeeze page personalization just now arrived in the form of Super Squeeze Generator.
Super Squeeze Generator is a unique asset to your squeeze page that brings TONS of additional methods to your disposal.
The benefits of Super Squeeze Page Generator are very apparent, but here's a quick run-down on just a few of the major features.
- Personalize users visits with their first name, and their e-mail address
- Have content on your squeeze page that changes according to the needs they select.
- Start with "Dear Frank," instead of "dear friend"
- Have several squeeze pages going at once and track them to see which squeeze page is the most effective.
- A inviting graphical interface
- Personal touches based on answers the visitor selects
... Just to name a few.
You already know that more personalization means more subscribers. Super Squeeze Generator is personalization personified, guarantees effective sales pages, and has no monthly fees. It's a new method, so make sure to jump on it before your competition beats you to it!