Wednesday, 22 July 2009

Netbugadvertising Membership Privileges & Commissions

The Net Bug Video Network offers two membership options. We have a free members option and a paid members option. Free Members: Free members can watch videos and earn credits for their videos to show on the NB video network or they may choose to purchase ad pack to increase their video exposure. Free members get great help in understanding how to easily and quickly upload videos and operate within the NB network, and earn one viewing credit for every three videos they watch! Paid Members: Paid members can watch videos and earn money to completely pay for their own membership! At the rate of $.15 per video watched and then continue to earn viewing credits on the network for videos watched. In addition paid members also get to participate in the Net Bug Video business, and paid members get to buy premium ad paks for wholesale pricing! Paid members get a 50% fast start bonus for each paid member they refer, they get 25% commission for every paid member their paid members refer additionally they receive 25% residual commissions for each paid member, in their direct downline plus residual payments each month of 12.5% of that amount for their second tier paid members each month.