Saturday, 25 July 2009


Important Notice
Netbug have added several new features today including:
The ability to see which videos pay you in money and which pay you in credits, or pay you in both.
The functions where free members get to earn a viewing credit for every three videos they watch.
The ad packs and multiple purchase options, next in this area will the the ad pack sales for free members who pay regular retail which is exactly double the paid members wholesale cost, this is being added in during the entire day today -- it is a very involved process that affects many other parts of net bug.
Also, you are about to see the Phase II video section go live where you will be able to watch videos showing you how to easily and quickly fully utilize every feature with Netbug - several of these videos will also appear on the sales page for new people arriving to see.
These videos will be big fun, and make all aspects of shooting, uploading, and viewing videos very easy!!!
When we turn on all ad packs meaning you can make purchases for your videos you will immediately gain commissions for ad packs sold to everyone you have ever brought in to the Netbug Video Network.
You may get a hicup or two today as we have already begun turning on features and will continut to do so thru out the day...
Hang on, we've got some greatness coming for you!!!