Friday, 17 July 2009

Netbugadvertising versus Text Ads

There has heen some debate among advertisers concerning the practicality, necessity, and effectiveness of using multimedia on Internet Web sites. These debates are certainly about to change in the coming months. Netbugadvertising a video results search engine, was officially launched on 11th July 2009. An amazing 15,000 advertisors joined as members, within the first few days.
Why? Because they recognised that the internet and advertising, needs to change. Users are bored with the usual click on text ads, that simply direct them to the owners website. The whole concept of text ads, has in my opinion, become really boring. There are no surprises at the other end.
However, the concept of netbugadvertising, has completely changed all that. Now, advertisers can promote their products and services globally, through the medium of Video Advertising.
As an advertiser, you can upload a video relating to your products and services. These video's are then viewed globally by anyone who has joined the netbugadvertising network. The benefits for advertisers are huge, compared to a normal text link ad.
Why? Because internet users can see and view something that is almost tangible. There is a 'face' to the product, speech to explain the product fully, and a website to follow. Surely this is far better than clicking on a text ad?
Over 15,000 members joining within the first few days cannot be wrong!